For thoes of you who who think Walt was using a fake birthday on his ID... When Walt went to Gretchen and Elliots (which was a day before "52") He said Juniors birthday is in 10 months. So if that was his real birthday when he bought the M60, it means it took 10 months to get from Pilot to Salud, and 2 months to get from Salud to Fifty One. So he did die on his 52nd birthday. Dont know why it says he died on September 13th 2011 on his page here.
Im pretty sure if its Male 18-49 it means the person who pays the cable bills is 18-49, I dont know it could be something else... So it could be that five 20 year olds had a viewing party using Grandpas big screen and all that would be counted would be 1 Viewer age 65+.
I dont know how it works, but if someone knows chime in. Its not like theres hidden cameras in our TVs so they know how exactly many people watched it per TV set.
BrianIngham wrote: I said this in another forum, but I will say it again.... what really pisses me off is that next week Low Winter Sun is getting a 2 hour SEASON finale, but Breaking Bad couldn't even get a 2 hour SERIES finale. Such bullshit AMC...
I know. AMC really let us down. They could have made Breaking Bad's finale from 9-11 because they apparently had Low Ratings Sun on thier website. The only reason that the Breaking Bad finale would be 55 minutes would be because they ran out of thier budget.
That finale was perfect. Walter finally admitted he enjoyed being Heisenberg, he killed Jacks gang and Lydia, getting revenge for Hank and Gomie while making Blue Sky extinct, He got to see his family one last time, He found a way to make his family wealthy, and to complete te transformaton he died in a meth lab. He won. Amazing end to an amazing show.
I wish Breaking Bad was extended to a 63rd episode, and all it was made up of is Lydia's last hours knowing she has been ricined. I would pay to watch that.
That was a happy ending in my book. Couldnt be more happy with it. He outsmarted Jacks gang, he got millions to his children thanks to lazer pointers and "Beaver and whats his name"... Genius.
After a year of being on the site and forum, predicting the ending, this will be my final post to this site before I find out the ending. Again, its been a pleasure, but Im going to go get ready for the big show now, Ill be right back here at 10:15 EST. Remember... This is the last time you will ever truly enjoy an episode of Breaking Bad. Seize the moment!
Under 2 hours until Felina!!! :)
A little over 3 hours until Breaking Bad ends... :'(
Now that were discussing the story Id like to officially end this trolls story. Why would Walt use a full auto machine gun to take out 2 unarmed, defenceless rich people. Hes going to ambush Jack and his gang with that gun. Enough said.
Been watching the marathon all afternoon. Im sad that the show ends in 3 and a half hours but now that Ozymandias is on its getting my blood flowing. When Granite State comes on, shits gonna get real.
LucasLeturiaLecaros wrote: Tell me ONE plot hole
The only plot hole I ever found (And Ive watched the show 4 or 5 times no joke) was in 413 Faceoff. 412 Walter makes the bomb and in 501 all the bomb making material is left out and he has to dispose of it, but in 413 his neighbour, Becky is told to go check to see if the stove is off, meaning she saw the bomb making equiptment. Thats the only plothole in the show, and it could be Becky didnt know what that stuff was for.
When will there ever be a better hour of TV this decade? I will never enjoy watching my TV more than I will tomorrow between 9:00 and 10:15. And we all know more aduts watch Breaking Bad than the Walking Dead.
Breaking Bad isnt the most popular show, but its the best show. Hands down. Alot of things that I do I can think of it being better, but the one thing that cannot be better than it is is the story of Breaking Bad. Thats what makes Breaking Bad so good for me. And to be able to watch the ending live, its something I can brag about to my kids when theyre old enough to watch and understand it. Its going to be a special thing to watch.
The cancer is going to kill him if going 1 on 6 vs Jack doesnt, him keeping the ricin for himself and not Lydia or the Schwartz's is a stretch.
Also gotta ask this now, what do you guys think the viewership will be like tomorrow? Over 7.5?
And how does Walt make a move on her? She will scream if approached, she will risk being a rat if left alone.