Yeah, that's why it was called Felina. *eyeroll*
Of course it was a fail.
However, it's lame to come on after it was proven absolutely false.
Yeah, I don't know what BC was talking about. Maybe his idea of redemption is different than ours.
Got the Nazis, saved Jesse, got the money to his family...
Christ, people, there's going to be someone working with wood. Simple as that.
You really think Walt thinks Jesse is willingly working with them? He knows Jesse hates Todd. Of course he knew Jesse hated Hank too.
or it could be his "new" birthday.
Yeah, the new glasses doesn't fit with it.
I think the stuff with Gray Matter stoked the fire a little bit, but Walt knew that ship had sailed. Nothing he could really do about it.
Then the stuff with Jesse and Blue Sky came up. THAT he can do something about it. I guess we'll find out tomorrow whether he was pissed about Jesse being alive or the Nazis for holding him.
I think they said in the podcast that the two kings just sort of happened. They thought it was cool, so they kept it.
I've not seen the script, so I don't know if it was scripted. :P
I wish. :( I wish they'd add the scripts as a DVD bonus actually.
I think Vince says in the podcast he's there 4-6 months.
By that I meant I don't think it was scripted to happen like that. It just sort of happened, as opposed to the scene you mentioned with the chess. That was calculated. They even called Tom Schnauz in LA to get it set up correctly.
This show is about transformation and the downward spiral of a down-on-his-luck family man who ends up becoming a criminal mastermind. The show doesn't celebrate Heisenberg, nor ask the audience to root for him. He's a very complex character, a monster who still manages to be human. But that doesn't mean that people should be rooting for him or against Jesse. (Jesse isn't a good guy either, by the way, although I will admit that there are times when I feel bad for him.)
I'm rambling at this point, but here's what I'm trying to get across: both Walter and Jesse are bad people, and the show isn't about us supporting one or hating the other. Walter White isn't the hero, and his actions have and will continue to have consequences for him. Same goes for Jesse. I'm just hoping that Vince Gilligan has crafted an ending which showcases Walt's transformation and brings the story to a fitting end. Because like I've said before: this isn't about Walt winning. Not even close.
I'm not trying to tell others how they should view the show; I'm just reiterating that this story has always been about Mr. Chips becoming Scarface. And that transformation is complete.
Agree, actually. I often come across as defending Walt, but it's really more about pointing out that ALL of the characters took part in these things. I don't think it's defending Walt to point out that other characters are guilty of their own actions.
It was definitely a "F*** you" but what is the effect on Jesse mean? He already hated Walt's guts.
yes, telling jesse about jane's death was bad, but imo, killing a person (mike) out of rage is worse.
If people wanna blame Walt for it, they might as well blame Donald. Without him talking to Walt, Walt doesn't go back. Without the blackmail, Walt never leaves his house that night. And on and on and on and on. That's why it's a fallacy.
the law? I wasn't aware he was charged. I know he shot himself later, so obviously he wasn't in jail
Speaking about cards did you guys talked about the two kings in Granite State ? What could it mean ?
No, in the cabin when Ed and Walt are playing cards, there is a scene when two kings are called. Don't know if it has any significance.
Could he put it together? Yes. Would he? No. In Fly, he acknowledges he probably is only alive because Jane died, but he hates Walt now, so why give him any benefit of the doubt?
Breaking Bad will be one greatest series of all, if they don't ruint it completly in last 10 minutes, like they did with Lost.
They should release a final season of Lost without all that sideways crap. I don't think the last 10 minutes ruin it if not for all that other crap clogging up the season.
Also, you know, they freaking buried him and Gomie. Even if it were some how, some way, possible he survived getting a point-black gunshot in his head, he then suffocated to death.
He is 100% dead.
The robot he made of himself, now, that's another question.
i don't know why or how this would be the case, but if walt teamed up the cops--maybe a mutual understanding like walt shows them where hank's and gomez's bodies are and in return they help walt get the guys that killed them. after walt and the authorities both get what they want, walt takes the ricin, the cops put him in custody, and then walt dies shortly after.
not saying this will happen, but yea
There's also the fact that cops typically don't let you swallow capsules when they're arresting you.
He knows he's going to die, so he could take some of it just to be sure, even without knowing he's going to be caught.
Or he could agree to cook himself with Todd. That extra percentage is greater yield.
I think the set up that Jack refuses to wear a mask just has to play up again somehow.
It was definitely a "F*** you" but what is the effect on Jesse mean? He already hated Walt's guts.
yes, telling jesse about jane's death was bad, but imo, killing a person (mike) out of rage is worse.
Those people on those planes died because Donald returned to a highly-stressful job too early, because he was allowed to return to said job when he shouldn't have been and because of faulty warning systems. The last one is the most immediate causal link.
If people wanna blame Walt for it, they might as well blame Donald. Without him talking to Walt, Walt doesn't go back. Without the blackmail, Walt never leaves his house that night. And on and on and on and on. That's why it's a fallacy.
Hope you're being sarcastic. My whole point was it wasn't really anyone's fault, just a random occurance.
Well, things are strained, but I think he could definitely arrange a meeting with Jack. Todd, at least. I see a bit of an homage to 1.6 when Walt goes to meet Tuco. Walt could plant a bomb or go fulminate of mercury again.