Before Hank died, is it possible that he somehow recorded everything that happend? Then people would know that Walter offered all of his money to save Hank, and Walter did not kill Hank?
Keep in mind that Jack and his gang probably thought no one would find the bodies. Plus they probably would want Hanks gear burried, depending on certain sitiuations that could possibly happen.
You make a good point.
But we're not 100% sure if Jack and his gang found anything on the body. Now this sounds far-fecthed and very unlikely but what if Walter had a recording of everything? Also none of Jacks gang nor him searched Walt, if I recall correctly. Now theres probably a 5% chance of that happening but who knows?
Keep in mind that their is no scene of Jack and his crew searching the bodys, I think? Also when you mentioned him and his gang watching Jesse's confession tape, how did they even retrieve the tape? Was it on Hank, were the money was buried? If they recieved the confession from the corpse then it's less likely of there being a recording.
Hopefully a couple so the series can go for a while if its good.
Bryan Cranston said he does not know if Walter is dead or not? But we got to keep in mind that Walter has Cancer and it was going to kill him anyways. For now, we assume that he bleeded out after he got shot. But if that was the case, he basicaly defeated his cancer, because his cancer did not kill him. And if the show were to continue, then we are most likely going to get a spin-off, just like we are with Better Call Saul! which preimeres in November.
Before Hank died, is it possible that he somehow recorded everything that happend? Then people would know that Walter offered all of his money to save Hank, and Walter did not kill Hank?
She is most likly dead, remember Walt poisened her at 11:00AM, then it was about 12:00PM when Walt tells her, he poisened her. Also ricin can kill you with in minutes. And their is no antidote to Ricin either. Best case scenario, she is dead.
What about Jane? Walt let her die, correct? Well, remember how Jane talked about the painting about the door? Well take a look at this
Walter's birthdays, may have a connection to Jane
Walter's 50th birthday Walter's 51st birthday
Walter's 52nd birthday
Crazy 8's sandwich
Walter's sandwich after Crazy 8's death
Now time for Gus
Walter's car in Season 5
Gus and the towel
Walt and the towel
Now time for Mike
Mike, ice in drink, and Walter says no to the ice in his drink
Walter, at Hanks house and accepts ice in his drink
Mike to Walt
Walt to lydia (After Mike's death)
Also I think Gus's death is forshadowed at Gale's house:
And strangly enough Gale almost got a direct shot in the eye, which may resemble the bear:
Also when Jesse got beat up by hank, one of his eyes were not working
Also the pink bear is found in this painting in Jane's house
And the Pink bear was first spotted in a webisode called TwaughtHammer - And the Bear can be found in the video at 2:29-2:30 and here is just a picture of it, if you can't find it:
My theory is the bear is supposed to forshadow Gus's death, Gale's death and Jesse being beatten up by Hank?
Also on the Wiki page, you can find all the other apereances as well and some other information: