Well 1st in Rabid Dog, Walt just wanted to talk. Then jesse backed him into a corner, and Walt decided to kill him painlessly using the nazis. Then Jesse ratted him out to Hank + inevitably caused Hank's death (in walt's perspective), so he wanted Jesse dead (this time not to protect his family, but for revenge).
Then in Felina Walt asumes that Jesse has partnered with Jack in peddling his product. He makes the drive back to ABQ fully ready to kill Jesse. At the last minute he sees that Jesse is not in partnership but captive. He sees that Jesse has been through enough, and decides to save his life (plus Jesse doesn't need to die to protect the family at this point, like he needed to when Walt first started plotting jesse's death).
The last communication we see of Walt and Jesse is a head-nod from Jesse. To this day I still haven't been able to fully comprehend the fulll meaning of that head nod. It is certainly not a communication of forgiveness. I think the head nod is hard to express in words. I would like to here Vince Gilligan's audio commentary on the head-nod.
Urban Outfitters is I think the official breaking bad clothing supply or whatever, but all i know is to keep your eye open. After seeing Skyfall i really wanted 007's hunting jacket when he was in Scotland. The real jacket is at jamesbondlifestyle.com for $700, but i managed to find a close enough look for $50 at Target
I'm downloading 11 movies from this list and can't wait to watch them.
Thanks for the support buddy. That was my intention: to share with the fans some of Vince's favorite stuff that went into inspiration for the show. Let me know which ones you downloaded and how you liked them.
That's one of my fave movies!
1. Madrigal - The first Mike centered episode of the series. This was really some 007 espionage crap in this episode that i love, plus the introduction of Lydia
2. Live Free or Die - The magnet scene was hilarious. At the same time i was laughing my ass off when Walt went full power on the magnet and tilted the whole van. I was laughing my ass off at the same time of being on the edge of my seat.
3. Hazard Pay - The cooking in tented houses was a brilliant plan that i never saw coming,and i love the cooking montage with the song 'On a Clear Day'.
first of all, it wasn't about the money. Remember, he was doing it for himself, to feel powerful and in charge, and the adrenaline of being at death at every turn. The money for his family came second place to that. Maybe if he hadn't gotten shot that night he would've kept jack alive and tortured him to find out where the 80 mil was. But also remember, he had already told the Schwartzes what to do, and wasn't planning on going back that night to give them more. If the Schwartzes gave 80 M to Walt Jr.s 18th birthday, things would look fishy. 10 M is a lot more believable. He also knew Jesse didnt want the money, because he saw it as blood money
54. Death Rides a Horse - In a Season 2 episode of Breaking Bad, after Walter had to use his alibi of going crazy and stripping nude in a supermarket, He finds one of his wanted posters vandalized and posted to the windshield of his Aztec. On the drive home, he tells Walt Jr. his plan. Something along the lines of "Drive them out to the desert and bury them neck deep into the sand so that only their heads are visible, and have ants or scorpions crawl around and bite them on the head. Saw it in a movie once" - This scenario has been mimicked countless times, most recently in Disney's the Lone Ranger (2013), but the origination of the scene, and The movie Walt is referring to is "Death Rides a Horse" a spaghetti western with a theme by Ennio Morricone, that was also used in Kill Bill.
Bar > Loaded 9,000,000 in trunk and backseat > Schwartz House
Lost wasnt that bad. I was more pissed about them all being in the afterlife the whole time. I don't think they couldve explained the smoke monster any mroe than they did. He was evil incarnate - i saw it as a sort of Cain and Abel story. Cain kills Abel because God loves him more (or in this case their mom loved Abel more). Abel drinks from the river of youth while Cain slides down it and is transformed into evil incarnate by the smoke monsters core. Obviously your never going to get any scientific explanation behind that -
but there's no mystery behind it. JJ just left some stuff open to interpretation. That's very common in philosophical and psychological fiction. You want the viewer to come to their own conclusion on some aspects. If you watch an anime called 'Serial Experiments Lain' you will have a helluva lot more unanswered questions. In fact you might not even know what the hell is goin on
that is correct that it was Jesse's hard work for the most part. However the purity rose up to 96%. I think it was 92% in Ozymandias, then 96% in Granite State.
This is already a thread. I said it was because his glasses got bent up and scratched up during Ozymandias. If you watch Tohajilee, when the nazis start shooting, Walt's glasses fall off his face and into the floorboard. He then drops (his entire weight of his body) into the floorboard so as not to get hit by any of the bullets.
Of course once Ozymandias starts back up, the glasses are miraculously back on his face, yet he is handcuffed. This is just a continuity error.
He also lands on them after Hank dies, when he lands the half side of his face in the sand. They are pretty bent at that point.
So i'm saying he landed on his glasses and they got really bent up.
Of course that wasn't good enough for everybody else on here. you will never have this answered completely 100% due to all the fans different opinions
yes because this years emmy's was focusing on their performance of last year. It wouldn't be right to judge them for performances that they didn't do, so there will be qualified for 2014. Also regardless fo that they are calling it a half season, it still represents 1 season since they were not filmed back to back but separately
I want to believe there was something much deeper at work, that Walt regretted his treatment of Jesse beforehand and that he planned on SAVING him from the get-go.
If Walt were so angry and resentful as to intend on murdering Jesse, then NOTHING would have stopped him. Not even Jesse being a slave. Would an angry and resentful Walt really be swayed by Jesse's enslavement?
There must have been a prior inclination to save him, which would have stemmed from Walt's legitimate regret at his own treatment of Jesse.
Otherwise, there's some potential character inconsistency for Walt, which we can attribute to Vince Gilligan himself.
no he actually thought Jesse was partnered with Jack and in cohoots making millions off his work. He found out at the last minute that Jesse was prisoner not partner. I mean it was verified by the creator so theres not much you can do to argue against it
I believe this link will answer all of your questions
You're kind of proving my point--They are everywhere!!! Conan with the entire cast, daily show, Bryan and Walt on freaking Lopez tonight (or whatever he's callin his show nowadays) My posts can run long as it is so I don't literally write out every tiny detail (tv spots, products, etc.) And, I wasn't just picking on Talking bad. I enjoy hearing the actor's insights on their show. Why the hell did Jimmy Kimmel need to be there? They had Mike, Saul, Skyler, and more! Did they really need another TV host? No offense to Jimmy, but I feel that way about a lot of the celebrities that sit on that couch. Their opinions, as far as I'm concerned, are pointless. They have names and they're strictly there for the sole reason a few more people might tune in. Vince G has mentioned his bluray set MANY times, not just on TB. And it's not just that that bothers me. It's all of this over exposure--Breaking Bad is a great show, best of all time and it doesn't need this. And literally EVERYTHING you just mentioned, I watched myself. Trust me I've seen it all, even the crappy ones like Talking bad. I watch it for the BB actors and writers eventhough I think the host and the other guests suck and they're sort of talking down to us.
And, I'm glad you said "it's something Walt would do?" NO. Of course he would not. Blue meth sells itself. That's how good it is!!! Its just like BB! They don't need to sell it to me, I'm an addict who's hooked!!!
Jimmy was there because its good to get outside perspectives from people that are not involved with the show. Bill Hader provided some hilarious insight from his perspective.
and Walt would totally hire advertisers if it was legal. Since it was illegal, i came up with the idea a while back, that the way he advertised it should be illegal. He could've hired some graffiti artists. That could open a whole knew spinoff series, it would be like Breaking Bad and Mad Men fused together. I know your reading this thinking how stupid, but thats just the concept, i haven't explained in full detail, plus even VG says Br Ba has a stupid concept.
By the way the more money Br Ba makes, the more chance AMC will want to contact VG for more tv shows. That publicity is the whole reason we're getting Better Call Saul. He has expressed interest in doing an 1800s Western tv series, like Hell on Wheels only good. If you want that to happen, you will let Br Ba rake in the money. And you say that Br Bad doesn't need the publicity. Well it doesn't now, the ratings nearly tripled right at the last second. Season 5As end was 2.9 M i believe. That means Br Bads success was just recent. Its still not even close to as popular as Walking Dead, so get over it.