Hank’s partner and fellow DEA agent and best friend from the beginning to the end, the end being Hank and his death at the hands of Jack and his pals (Todd, Kenny, etc).
When Steven first appears (in episode one) he’s treated simply as 1 dimensional minor character. Yet, Is developed to be a helpful, good-hearted character. He helps Hank and his attempts to stop the Blue Sky empire? He’s smart, professional, kind, and brave.
How is he underrated?:
Gomez is underrated simply because the show gives him almost no attention whatsoever, and is treated as a simple background character up until he dies. And the worst part was when he is eventually killed, along with Hank, unlike Hank though his death is not given much attention, even by Hank, who after a moment overlooks the body and goes for Gomez’s gun. Both are in the end are rolled into a hole and buried, and that’s all for Gomez. Except for a role in 2 “Better Call Saul” Episodes of course, where Gomez and Hank appear for a small bit.
Why is he so underrated?:
He not a really important character, simple as that. He’s a good character for sure, but they’re not they could do with him, more screen time and attention would’ve been nice of course, especially before and right after his death, but that’s really it.