ok, he can handle the fan theory, and ill handle him
Thank Ricin, great link. The relevant quote regarding this discussion, for convenience:
- There's one specific theory, about Walt taking on the attributes of people he's killed including Gus Fring and Krazy-8, which I wanted to ask you about. Was that intentional?
- "That one was purposeful, yes. Specifically in regards to Gus. ... So yeah, he takes on those traits, I think subconsciously."
Thank Ricin, great link. The relevant quote regarding this discussion, for convenience:
- There's one specific theory, about Walt taking on the attributes of people he's killed including Gus Fring and Krazy-8, which I wanted to ask you about. Was that intentional?
- "That one was purposeful, yes. Specifically in regards to Gus. ... So yeah, he takes on those traits, I think subconsciously."
Good, that means he will spill the beans in depth on which traits are actually traits and which traits are coincidence, such as Mike's 'On the rocks'
This reminds me of a fan theory on Lost where each character was 1 of the 7 deadly sins. BUT THERE WAS WAY MORE THAN 7 CHARACTERS - that created the turmoil in the fan theory. I could always figure out that Hurley was Gluttony and Sawyer was Pride. From there it got sketchy
That might not have been true for Lost but it was definitely the case for Gilligans' Island whose creator went on to state that each of the characters was to represent a sin except for Gilligan who was the devil and keeping them on the island which represented hell.
okay, would the skipper be gluttony or wrath? And amongst the rich couple, which one would be considered greed? Im guessing the other one would be pride. The hot girl would be lust. i forget the rest of the characters.
Hell - ABQ
Pride - Walt
Greed - Saul (Of course Walts not in it for the money near as much as he is in it for the pride. He has bought a total of 3 sports cars, and 1 car wash, all of them leases. The rest of the spent money has gone strictly to keeping him out of prison which isnt considered a luxury of greed. Definetely extravagant, but for that kind of cash he could've definetely done better, so for this one im going with saul).
Lust - Skyler (for cheating)
Envy - Jesse (during S3 at least).
Wrath - Wrath = Anger, so I am going with Mike as front runner. Theres also Gus, but he used his anger a form of intimidation rather than just blind rage in its purest form.
Gluttony - Huel
and a few people in the show that actually managed to escape purgatory (ABQ) briefly - Jesse, Mike, and Gus who leave ABQ in Salud.
Well i just came up with a fan theory. Of course envy, and wrath aren't perfect, and walt himself has at least 5 of these himself.
I think Vince said in the 5.1 commentary that Walt's Volvo was meant to mirror Gus's. It could be true in some cases. I kind of hope not because if true, it would suggest Walt might be responsible for Sky and Jesse's deaths. If you have seen the one promo from later in S5b, Jesse has longer hair and a beard and looks a heck of a lot like Walt from the 5.1 teaser.